Work with Me



Signs that it is time to stop delaying getting what you want in your career and get a solution NOW – see how many are true for you:

  • I feel a longing from within to change my company, or career – I can’t stop thinking about it!
  • I feel restless or bored at my current position several times a week
  • I need to earn more money to reach my financial goals for myself and/or my family
  • My health is taking more of a priority in my life and I want to work less
  • I am in a toxic work environment or have a toxic boss and it is affecting my health or enjoyment of my life outside of work – you know when this is your situation!
  • My current work really drains my energy one or more days a week and I can’t see a solution in my current situation
  • I must determine a new work path since I was laid off or I quit my job
  • I desire more work/life balance and time for family and creative pursuits
  • I keep thinking about making a change but lots of fears and doubt come up and that stopse
  • I get discouraged because I don’t know how to make a change, what the first steps are, and how to get help and I am anxious about getting it wrong
  • I am worried about the finances of making a change, especially in an uncertain economic environment
  • Although I am worried about finances, I know that it is not the only consideration in the quality of my life
  • I am open to exploring a new work path as long as I don’t have to make a decision right now – I am not ready, and I feel like I need more time and information
  • When I put aside my fears and doubts, I get really excited about the prospect of a new work path that fits me better at this time of my life



Work Vision GPS

For: Anyone looking for a new job, transitioning to a new career, or wanting to switch posiitons within your current industry or company. Discover your deepest desires at this phase of your life, develop a strategic plan to implement your vision, and live your dream work life now. 

Executive Leadership and Advancement

For: Leaders, executives, business owners who aim to excel in their current positions and move to the next phase of their careers. Executive coaching supercharges your career path and your leadership.

Leadership Transformation Day

Focused coaching on one day (with prep and follow-up) sets you up for success and is a powerful way to break through on your leadership or business or career vision.

Executive Coaching 

Leading an organization that is making a positive difference in the world is multi-faceted and can be challenging. Through the executive coaching process, we will determine your current personal and organizational vision, the leadership skills needed to address and integrate both, and develop a customized plan for you.