Work Magic: 4 Steps to Joy, Ease and Flow Every Day


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Benefit One: Embracing the power of Self-Awareness and Self-Love

WM flow
WM ease2

Benefit Two: Choosing who You Are as a Leader at Work


Benefit Three: Setting up every day for Success and Fulfillment

WM Joy

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Lesson 1: 

The first step to more Joy, Ease and Flow every day is to get clear and grounded in your relationship with your career, work life, or business. We all have a subconscious template for how we feel and relate to our work/career/business, meaning that we are not consciously aware of it. Uncover and transform this template and you have a solid foundation for everything you do in your work life. 

Lesson 2:

The second step to more Joy, Ease and Flow every day is to revisit what you love to do, which points to what your highest skills are; how you want to be of service at this time of your life; and what is most important to you - your values. By doing this you naturally are flowing with life because you are being who you truly are at your highest and your "doing" comes from that place of authenticity.

Lesson 3: 

The third step to more Joy, Ease and Flow every day is to determine the strategic focuses for your work/career/business (the most important things you want to accomplish, achieve, or be) and then set an intention for each of those. An intention puts you in the driver seat toward fulfilling what you want in your work/career/business and directs your energy where it most needs to go for success.

Lesson 4: 

The fourth step to Joy, Ease and Flow every day is to set up your workday. The My Wonderful Day at Work process gives you a powerful way of doing that. Use this every day and you will create more joy and ease. As you declare what you want to experience or achieve each day before you start, you are entering into a powerful co-creative partnership with the universe and your experience of your workday will be aligned with what you truly want.



1. Video and written instruction from Jane: 

Video instruction from Jane orients you to each lesson and provides inspiration and guidance. Videos are supplemented with written instructions for each lesson.

2. Downloadable exercises and a guided meditation:

 In addition to videos and written instructions, each lesson has downloadable exercises and includes a guided meditation in the first lesson.

3. Convenience.

You get one lesson each week for four weeks and can dive in at a time convenient for you and revisit at any time. 


What Others Are Saying About Your Course Creator and Coach

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  • Coaching with Jane Midgley has been an integral component of my success in this phase of my career. She excels at assisting me to connect with my highest vision for what I want to achieve and contribute to the world. In addition, she challenges me to focus on the most strategic actions and to take those actions from a place of believing in myself fully and tapping into my confidence and power. I have gotten so much value from working with Jane that I recommended her to all my friends who want to achieve something in their professional lives.

    Mona Minkara

  • I highly recommend Jane Midgley Coaching to anyone desiring a powerful and successful transition to a new position, business, or work path. She is the perfect guide who gives you the skills, tools, and inner faith to thrive in your dream position. As a new CPA, with the assistance of Jane’s coaching, I was able to transition to working full-time in my own firm and to attract the perfect clients for me.  

    Shawna-Kaye Hunter

  • I began to work with Jane because a health crisis caused me to restructure my work/life balance and bring my spiritual practice into alignment with everything elseThrough her incredibly uplifting and grounding process I have been able to transform my relationship to work, money, and self-careI now take much better care of myself and no longer work too much. I recommend Jane because her work is transformational!   

    Pat Maher

  • Before I met Jane, I was feeling unsatisfied in my work life and wanted to pursue something more aligned to my passions. However, the path to doing that felt unclear. After visioning with Jane, I was able to move toward my dream and interviewed for a management position in the area of law that I care most about. I secured the job and Jane helped me navigate the transition time and setting up my new job for success.  

    Kirsten Dick

  • Jane has been an extraordinary resource for both my wife and I as we've set up our own businesses. We get more work done, and enjoy our work more, thanks to Jane. We're incredibly appreciative of Jane’s wisdom and technique and can't recommend her enough.

    Evan Sagerman

  • Before I began working with Jane, I felt extremely stuck in an old paradigm and a situation that was draining my energy and producing anxiety about the future. Through the clarity, inspiration, and grounding I received from her coaching and the concrete tools she provided, I regained my strength and vitality. I also claimed self-confidence and self-respect, learned how to do deeper self-care, and now have a high quality of relationships with healthy boundaries. Her Transformation Day process enabled me to tap into the vision for my work and creative expression going forward and she assisted me to embrace my unique talents and strengths at this phase of my life, breaking out of a nine to five mentality to create the life I desire.


    Scherazade King

  • I am a business owner in the process of reimagining and transitioning my business. Jane's expert coaching has been essential in my process of getting clear on vision and strategy. She has been instrumental in helping me navigate the challenges and opportunities of this critical time for me and my business. I highly recommend her as a business and leadership coach. 

    Bette Smith


ABOUT Your Course Creator and Coach

Hi! I’m Jane Midgley, CEO of Jane Midgley Coaching and a Leadership and Career Coach

I assist leaders to get to and live in the sweet spot of work they love and making a deep impact on the world. I support you to shine as the visionary leader you truly are, so that you are happy in your work and get the results you desire. My vision is that every person loves their work and I know that is also the way to a better life for all. 

I have been a leadership and career coach for over twenty years. I navigated through multiple work transitions myself and I know how challenging it can feel to say yes to those inner nudges for change. My path has included being CEO of a national organization, a manager and leader in social profit organizations, and a coaching business owner. I made it through the transitions with the help of mentors and coaches.

I developed the Work Magic: 4 Steps to Joy, Ease and Flow Every Day course based on my years of experience working with executives, leaders, and business owners from all walks of life. My clients often tell me they are feeling drained of energy, overwhelmed with all of their responsibilities, and frustrated by unresolved conflicts and stuck situations in their work life/business/organization. This course is designed to transform your relationship to your everyday experience into joy, ease and flow and to give you tools and resources you can use on an on-going basis to stay in that place of loving what you do and serving others in the way you desire that also give you the high quality of life you deserve.

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